In Your Magic

Self-Care Practice Rooted in the Mystical to Unearth a Whole New You

Guided by Victoria Shumulinsky, Founder and CEO of InYours & Your Guide to Inner Power

Every week, Victoria provides intuitively curated practices & tools to help you reconnect to yourself and to the wisdom awaiting within.

Experience the power of the practical application of ritual and discover the magic of every day.

About the In Your Magic Membership

Imagine swaying with grace around the hard edges of life’s circumstances like water does to boulders in a stream, caressing the jagged edges until they are smooth. 

How would your life change if you could embody this kind of elegant fortitude? In its infinite wisdom, your soul has led you here for this exact inquiry.  

  • You yearn for clarity and direction.

  • You want to take off all the masks to reveal your weird, authentic self

  • You hunger for the confidence to make bold moves in your life.

  • You long for profound connection with yourself and those around you. 

  • You crave guidance and answers to your deepest questions

But how can something so seemingly unattainable become real for you



Intuitive Exploration


Energetic Sovereignty

These are the three pillars of my mission but, more importantly, my life. These three tenets have sustained and facilitated my transition from lackluster life and career full of self-doubt to building a thriving self-healing practice and business that nourishes me daily. 

And I would be remiss not to share these practices with the world.

What the In Your Magic Membership Offers You:

Virtual monthly rituals and group experiences, weekly guided practices with Victoria + Guest Mentors, a printable In Your Magic Calendar, an online portal with a library of home-based practices & resources + community connection, in-person retreats, and discounted rates for private mentorship and deep dive experiences.

Guided Practices include:

  • Reflective and Creative Writing

  • Intuitive Insights & Guidance

  • Embodiment & Self-Intimacy 

  • Somatic Breathwork

  • Transformational Yoga & Body Movement

  • Self-Love Rituals

  • Energetic Release & Self-Healing

  • Intuition & Psychic Gift Exploration 

  • Exploration of Psychedelics & Earth Medicines for Healing

  • Spiritual Connection

  • Intuitive Study Book Clubs

  • Tutorials on Self-Discovery Tools

  • Guest Expert Workshops on a Variety of Topics

Call it what you want - self-awareness, self-discovery, intuitive development- this work will change your life if you commit to opening your heart, expanding your mind, developing your practice, and leaning into a community to support you through it all. 

With In Your Magic, I will guide you through intentional action over a sustained period of time. With practice, this evolves into an immovable centeredness that helps you face your life transitions with grace and poise. 

This is a process that I learned by overcoming many challenges of my own.  

“In Your Magic” was created for those who want to come home to themselves, connect with their intuition, build confidence and self-trust, and discover their innate gifts. 

My Journey

At 33 years old, I thought I had done everything “right”

I got a master's degree, landed a great job, moved to sunny San Diego, bought a house, and was 5 years into a seemingly perfect relationship that had us shopping for engagement rings.

I was living my dream… or so I thought. 

In retrospect, the number of red flags I willfully ignored was astounding. I confused every warning sign with the idea that “maybe this is what adult life is supposed to be.” Without ever experiencing a proper example of a healthy partnership, I put the idea of “love” on a pedestal and completely dismissed my own needs in the process.

My energy was drained, pouring it all into an uninspiring corporate healthcare career and a painful relationship. In giving my light freely, I never allowed myself to receive it in return. Deep down, I did not believe that anything I did was good enough. I pushed myself mercilessly for what I thought I wanted, influenced by my upbringing and society, often betraying my inner knowing that there was more to life than this. 

Like a swift slap in the face, the relationship ended suddenly and dramatically. The rug I built my entire life on was ripped out from underneath me, and there I sat, ass on the ground, unable to make sense of any of it. Bewildered, lost, and in shock. 

What had just happened? What am I supposed to do? Who am I now? 

As the dust settled around me and I regained my footing, I slowly began feeling a sense of freedom - the sweet liberation brought on only by new beginnings.

The weight began to lift off my shoulders. This was the silence before the most important transformation of my life.

I picked up all the broken pieces and began to mend myself back into Victoria 2.0.

My intuition began to speak to me, leading me down a path of self-discovery that would transform me.


brought me deeply inward to reflect on my life. 


brought the grief outward and helped me get honest about who I was being in my relationships and the choices I had made up until then. 

✹ Energy Healing ✹

blasted my chakras open, helping me feel into the expanse of my inner knowledge. 

I began to actually FEEL.

I leaned into the grief of losing who I once was. I felt rage for the repression of all women. I connected to desire that I had never experienced before. I finally accessed the deep well of love that I carried within and could gift it to myself for the first time. 

I trained in the energy healing art of Reiki, hired a business and intuition coach, began mentoring clients, and soon after quit my decade-long corporate career to pursue an intuitively-led business.

Through courses on self-love and pleasure, I began to love myself deeply, and only then was I able to open my heart to a new relationship. One year after the breakup and a boot camp of deep inner work, I welcomed my soulmate into my life. 

I unlearned many unhealthy patterns and ways of thinking that no longer served the person I was becoming. I now recognize when my intuition is speaking to me and, most importantly, I listen to it. I feel powerfully connected to my aspirations and desires, and I take action every day to get myself closer to them. I now only look within for the answers and discovered the answers were there all along

This 18-month inner revolution came with many new understandings. I was meant to live this to share it with the world. 

So, here I am to tell you: 

You are not alone, and you can find the power within to move through whatever you are going through. You are part of something much bigger than yourself. 

Can you feel it? What are you waiting for?  

If not now, then when? Tomorrow is never guaranteed; the most important thing we have is the gift of the present moment.

Trust your intuitive guidance to reclaim the power that you were taught to neglect. Unearth the gifts you buried long ago. Tether yourself to your purpose. 

Now is the time to witness yourself In Your Magic

In Your Magic is for you if:

  • Finding flow feels difficult and you don’t know how to make yourself a priority

  • You feel like your dreams have been forgotten and you’ve lost direction

  • You look outside of yourself for validation, trusting everyone’s opinions but your own

  • It’s hard to stay consistent with self-care

  • You have something important to say to the world, but you find it difficult to speak your truth

You can stand fully in your power. You are more powerful than you know.

I see it in you because I was once you. I still am you.

The Membership is open. We gather every New Moon and throughout the lunar cycle.

Are you in?

  • What Members Are Saying

    “What an awakening! I fully embraced this lunar cycle and in return this lunar cycle fully embraced me. I learned to rest, be quiet, listen. I established a daily discipline of meditation that has brought me serenity, awareness in the moment, and calm confidence. I could go on and on about this incredible awakening through resting. I am forever grateful. Today I am here in this moment, content, and ready to continue.”

    “I felt very inspired by the lessons shared during the Intuitive Insights call and I even had an emotional release.”

    “WOW! Another month of intention meeting action! Feeling alive, accepting, patient, loving, and in rhythm with myself and the energy that surrounds me. Thank you for holding this space for me and celebrating with me.”